Krishna Told Arjuna about his words of truth

"Krishna was telling lies in the general opinion of all, and I am Krishna. I am a past master in the art of telling lies, of giving promises and not fulfilling them. But remember, I am beyond all that too, and therefore I fulfill every promise given."

Baba explained, "Originally I gave you a promise to stay at Sakori for seven days. Then I sent word that I would stay for two days. I have now fulfilled the original promise by staying here for seven hours! In eternity, seven days or seven hours are just the same." Everyone present, including Baba himself and Godavri, had a hearty laugh.

Baba concluded with this advice: "Keep your hearts clean and love me. Don't let any other thoughts intervene. When the heart is clean, I abide in it. As soon as the heart is cleansed of filth [sanskaras], I am found there, as I am there already."

Baba asked the kanya to sing one more bhajan. She began and again he looked pensive for some time. Breaking the mood, he took a dholak (drum) and tapped on it to the rhythm of the song. Godavri and others began rocking the swing in which he was sitting. They sang the same song in chorus which they used to sing to Upasni Maharaj when he was seated there.

Coming out of the room, Baba proceeded to a place where there was a well. The kanyas were amused and surprised, thinking he had perhaps missed the way. But Baba had gone to the well to see if it contained sufficient water. Calling him back to her room, Godavri offered Baba tea. Taking only two sips he returned it to her, gesturing, "I have had food, played marbles and drunk tea; I have been rocked in the swing and I gave darshan and prasad. I heard singing and spent almost the whole day near my Yashoda. And now I must leave."

Hurriedly, he walked to the temple where his arti was sung, and then to the place where Maharaj used to reside. Baba stood there and asked Gadekar to sing the arti. After it, he instructed the mandali to bow down to Maharaj's sandals which were kept there, and they did so with the greatest reverence. Baba observed, "This is the room where Maharaj with folded hands revealed to me that I was the Avatar."


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